Check if You Qualify for Up to $3,000 in Government Rebates for Your New Hot Water Upgrade!

How do heat pumps SAVE you money?

"Imagine a magic box that takes the warmth from the air around it and uses it to make your shower water nice and toasty. 

The heat pump takes the warm air and cools it down, which helps it absorb even more warmth from the air. Then, it sends that heat into the water tank to make your shower water warm and cozy. And when you use up the hot water, the process starts all over again!

The coolest thing about these heat pumps is that they're super efficient. They can make more heat energy than the electricity they use up! That means they're really good at saving energy and keeping your energy bills low.

And guess what? They work best in places with mild weather, like Victoria! So, if you want to have warm showers while also saving energy, a hot water heat pump is the way to go!"

Why should I UPGRADE now?

Getting a new heat pump in Victoria is a big deal because it helps the environment and saves money. The government wants to stop emissions by 2035, so they're offering REBATES for using heat pumps. These REBATES make upgrading to a heat pump cheaper. Heat pumps are great because they use less electricity than gas heaters. That means you pay less for energy and make less pollution. Plus, they're safer because they don't have gas leaks or produce harmful gases. Heat pumps last a long time, too. They're like the superheroes of water heaters! So, getting a new heat pump is a win-win. It helps the planet, saves money, and keeps you safe. And now's the best time to switch because of the government's help!
  • Save up to 80% on your hot water Heating bills today 

  • Designed In Australia for local Conditions

  • Includes installation and removal of existing system

  • 0CARBON Authorised solar hot water retailer

  • 0CARBON Price match guarantee

"I am thrilled with my new Hot Water Heat Pump. It has transformed my home heating experience, delivering a consistent and efficient supply of hot water while significantly reducing my monthly utility bills"

Steve - Vermont

"I am delighted with the seamless installation and remarkable performance of theĀ  Hot Water Heat Pump in my home. The process was not only efficient but also showcased the professionalism and expertise of 0CARBON team"

Janice - Footscray

"Had the Heat pump installed for 6 months now and have seen a dramatic drop in our gas bills"

Tony - Boxhill